Kamis, 15 Maret 2012


These records are made for fun and remember them all .

XII Science 3 or Blaise Paskal (Barisan Langkah Anak Kreatif nan Eksklusif Pasukan Dua Belas Eksak Tiga Luar Biasa) with Motto "Kita adaalah Kesenangan" , was inside filled by super strange human . Practically those with autism .

XII Science 3 or Blaise Pascal , there are 44 students in the class , consist of 25 girls , and 19 boys.
The students in the class :
1. Ari Rahman N.
2. Lutfi M. Hakim
3. Krisma Riansyah
4. M. Firmansyah
5. Teguh Lesmana
6. Indra Panigoro
7.Fadjar Maulana
8. Ayi Nugraha
9. Bagiri Dwi N.
10. Ery Firmansyah
11. Yohanes M. U. S.
12. Deni Jatnika
13. Sofian Rudiansyah
14. Galih Andhika R.
15. Ambar Giri Fahmi
16. Fahrul Satria N.
17. Gilang Ramadhan
18. M. Ardi Reza
19. Farhan Maulana
20. Raja Indri D.R.
21. Tigin Mugianingtyas
22. Neng Devy Fardina
23. Risti Andjarsari U.
24. Winda Nurmawanti
25. Tara Anggiawati
26. Marfuatun
27. Nurul Fadhilah
28. Sarah Shalihah
29. Ira Susanti
30. Sulistiya Ningsih
31. Firly Septiani
32. Rose Indah P.
33. Ayu Naya Nobella
34. Tri Wahyuni Bintang
35. Siti Diana
36. Dewi Tria
37. Dini Agustin
38. Cici Firzyani
39. Dessy Aryanti R.
40. Desi Wulansari
41. Shinta Nadia P.
42. Dyah Retno W
43. Rani Apriliany
44. Sultanah Asprilianty J.

The real mommy @Blaise Paskal's class Mrs. Yussy Ismayani S.Pd.
The Leader of class is Ari Rahman Nasrudin .

My Impression : Best moment in Senior High School . Happiness and Unforgettable  . I'm glad to be here , because all of the deep friendship , love you all

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